A note from Anthony
I hope everyone enjoyed the past few months. It seems like preparation for getting kids back to school becomes more complicated each year. Organizing calendars, negotiating available hours, and trying to find those precious moments where you can sit back and relax is a ritual I hear among most parents.
We want to take advantage of every hour and give our children every opportunity. We want to make the best use of our time, and yet, once we have managed to occupy each hour with an important task or activity, we end up wishing for a moment’s peace, and we reflect back on those times in our lives when life was simpler and being bored was ok.
As you prepare to jump back into the hustle and bustle this Fall, I encourage you to make time for those simple moments. Take a walk, play a board game, or maybe just read a book with someone you love. Return to that simpler life and see how much your life can improve for you and everyone around you.
I wish you great peace this month, and I can’t wait to share with you what we have in store later this year. It’s time to bring the fun back into financial literacy! Listed below are a few updates in case you missed them.